Wave Analytics Cloud

Expertise &Experiences


A dataset is a specific view into a data source based on how you've customized it. It could be based on a data pipeline or from an ETL vendor.


A lens is a particular view into a dataset's data where you do visualization and exploratory analysis. It includes fundamental operations like Measure, Group/Dimensions, Filters & Views.


A dashboard is an interactive collection of widgets showing different snapshots from one or more lenses to tell a story from different angles.


Explore Data With Lenses, Dashboards & External CSVs


A dataflow definition file is a JSON file that contains transformations that represent the dataflow logic.


Nanostuffs has helped several customers implement logical transformations into Wave. For e.g. "edgemart" to integrate data from an external source. "sfdcDigest" to generate a dataset based on data extract from Salesforce object. "sfdcRegister" to make a data set available for use within Analytics cloud.


The REST API allows you to access the Analytics Cloud and upload external data files into datasets. Excel Connector, Integration Platforms like InformaticaRev, Dell Boomi, etc.


Graphic Comparisons, Change over time, Significant data points within a calendar timeframe, Parallel data points over time, Data distribution on a grid, Data concentrations on a grid, Data comparisons on two axis, etc.


The formatting of measures, Display labels, Grouping of dimensions of measures, Colors of specific fields, Dimensions for creating custom links, etc. E.g. {"labels" : {"dimensions" : { "StageName" : "Stage"}, "measures" : {"Probability" : "Probability (%)", "Amount" : "Amount"}, "keys": {"ForecastCategoryName": {"Closed": "Closed Won", "Omitted": "Closed Lost" }}}, "colors": {"ForecastCategoryName": { "Closed": "#4f4", "Omitted": "#f44"}} ....


Influenced by Pig Latin language, SAQL is used to perform advanced operations in dashboards like Load, Filter, Group, Foreach, Union, Order, Limit, Offset, etc. For e.g. to compute the Customer Satisfaction variance from KPI we'll write a SAQL of such kind - q = foreachq generate 'Created_Date_Year' + \"~~~\" + 'Created_Date_Month' as 'Year-Month', avg('Customer_Satisfaction_m') -8.5 as 'variance_CSAT_KPI', count() as 'count';


Key areas of Analytics Execution that Nanostuffs is intended to support include

Sales Metrics & Best Practice Templates

Pre-built Accelerator Templates deliver best practice dashboards, KPIs, and analytics to run your pipeline call, enhance quarterly business review, and supercharge team performance.

Forecast & Pipeline Trending

Review pipeline changes and movement, risk indicators, and performance metrics to pivot strategy and drive sales success. Assess sales performance comparing historical year-over-year metrics.

Instant Actionability

The Wave action framework allows customers to create and update records in Salesforce. Users can collaborate around data in realtime, share and annotate lenses and dashboards.

Industry Specific Drips

As prospects move closer to the middle of the funnel, it becomes important to reinforce that your company is the right choice. Use our templates to pass on any helpful press releases, industry reports, or high-traffic content as part of this drip to establish your company’s authority.

Native Seamless integration

Because Sales Wave is seamlessly integrated with Sales Cloud, customer's get up and running faster than ever. A configuration wizard asks simple questions that personalize predefined data flows, datasets, and dashboards. And because it's delivered by Salesforce, you can take advantage of the security you know and trust.