Expertise &Experiences


Enables you to create and publish content, at scale, across channels, and in near real time.


Craft and schedule perfect social content tailored to specific social networks using our intelligent social network-centric platform beyond just a text entry box.


Preview and approve content prior to going live using easy to create customized approval rules to protect your brand integrity and ensuring a consistent voice


Use dashboards to provide a quick at-a-glance performance summary over a specified time period


Engage allows Community Managers to moderate and join conversations started with the content created using Publish. With controls for classification and workflow, Engage can manage any scale of social engagement enabling more complex use cases such as Social Customer Service and lead generation.


Allows discussion monitoring from owned social accounts and broader social news. Create custom dashboards to monitor multiple social accounts and Topic Profiles. Dashboards can be printed as a PDF for hardcopy records and sharing.


Create and configure workspaces to quickly organize teams by region (across the world, country or down the street), brand or business function to promote collaboration for campaigns, content creation, and publishing.


Engage and respond to your social audience focusing on the changing content with shortcuts and bulk actions aligning objectives, teams, and permissions with other content goals. Automate common actions and processes for classifying, reporting and routing content using Macros.


In Social Studio, you can publish content, engage with posts, and analyze posts from accounts on these social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Instagram & Pinterest.


Nanostuffs is well-versed with all Social Hub Tools including Classifiers, Email Notifications, Rerun Rules, Analyzers, Content Libraries, Threshold Alerts, etc.


Command Center helps showcase a brand's social presence and provides live details about what is happening regarding the brand on social media. Use Command Center on large displays if you need to monitor and display high-level social performance information.


A topic profile is a social media search, created in the Radian6 Analysis Dashboard or in Social Studio, comprised of keywords and filters. Topic profiles collect social media posts into Radian6.


Use Workbenches to create custom datasets (info cards) based on Topic Profiles and Social Accounts over a specified time period to enable a deeper dive into the data returned by the Topic Profile. The datasets can be configured to focus on one piece of data or used to compare multiple attributes from the same data set.


Process and sort social media content from multiple sources. Find positive sentiment and automatically route them to your marketing as potential testimonials or for a personalized response. Find all negative sentiment and route them to your customer service department for resolution. Automatically populate a Salesforce Service Cloud case queue with negative sentiment posts. Gather posts as sales prospects for your sales team.

NANOSTUFFS ADVANTAGE 100 Ways To Use Social Studio

New to social media monitoring and engagement? What do you listen for? We've created a list of 100 ways to get you started.

Responsible Party Brief Description of Involvement
Brand Monitoring
  • Listen for online mentions of your brand
  • Listen for positive mentions of your brand
  • Listen for negative mentions of your brand
  • Listen for direct and indirect questions from customers
  • Discover brand advocates
  • Discover brand detractors
  • Discover influencers for your brand
  • Learn where customers are talking about your brand
  • Listen for the most popular topics about your brand
  • Monitor public perception of your company
  • Listen for mentions of executive team
  • Listen for mentions of product misuse
Competitive Intelligence
  • Discover online mentions of your top competitors
  • Discover competitors latest product releases
  • Discover competitors recent company news
  • Listen for customer comments about competitors
  • Monitor competitors blogs for company insight
  • Monitor competitor employees social profiles
  • Monitor competitors content for levels of customer engagement
  • Discover negative mentions of competitors and treat as opportunities
Industry Monitoring
  • Listen to mentions of your industry
  • Listen for mentions of your brand compared to your industry
  • Listen for mentions of your competitors as part of your industry
  • Monitor share of voice in your industry
  • Monitor industry trends
  • Discover industry issues
  • Monitor industry news
  • Discover industry influencers
  • Monitor perception of industry by larger business community
  • Monitor changes in social media adoption in your industry
Thought Leadership
  • Monitor changes in conversation volume around key issues
  • Discover industry posts that require comment by your company's subject matter experts
  • Monitor spread of company thought leadership blog posts
  • Identify online opportunities to share thought leadership
  • Identify speaking opportunities for subject matter experts
  • Determine perception of company as a thought leader
  • Determine perception of company employees as thought leaders
  • Discover other industry thought leaders
  • Monitor influence of company thought leaders
  • Monitor influence of industry thought leaders
Lead Generation And Sales
  • Monitor for buying indication terms within your product category
  • Monitor for recommendation requests within your product category
  • Monitor for discussions of your product category
  • Monitor target prospect personas to confirm accuracy
  • Monitor questions and conversations about your product category
  • Discover topics for remarkable content
  • Share relevant content with prospects
  • Answer direct questions from prospects
  • Discover competitive insights
  • Expand pool of prospects
Customer Service
  • Identify customer service issues as they emerge
  • Monitor volume of conversation around customer service issues
  • Respond to customer service issues in real-time
  • Determine if customers are willing to take issues offline
  • Gather customer feedback to share with other teams
  • Build relationships with customers
  • Answer customer questions
  • Respond to positive feedback
  • Share helpful company information
  • Monitor ongoing customers concerns
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Discover relevant industry keywords
  • Monitor selected keywords for content ideas
  • Discover influencers using selected keywords
  • Determine which keywords are performing best
  • Determine which keywords are not performing
  • Monitor spread of content to determine better titles
  • Connect with people in industry to enhance social search
  • Discover relevant blogs to consider asking for backlinks
  • Monitor SEO influencers to keep up with search engine changes
  • Monitor search engine social profiles to keep up with changes
Crisis Communication
  • Monitor community news sites around facilities
  • Listen actively to conversations around the crisis
  • Establish a baseline for potential threats
  • Establish a baseline for potential failures
  • Find sites that are critical of your brand
  • Find people that are critical of your brand
  • Look for channels to use for crisis outreach
  • Determine potential issues before they escalate
  • Determine the volume of critical conversations
  • Determine sentiment level changes which could indicate a crisis
Product Development
  • Listen for comments on current products
  • Listen for comments on competitors products
  • Discover new uses for existing products
  • Discover opportunities for product offerings
  • Solicit product feedback and monitor comments
  • Conduct beta testing
  • Monitor new industry opportunities
  • Listen for potential new product features
  • Understand how customers are using your product
  • Identify points of difference about your product
Advertising And Marketing Effectiveness
  • Track advertising-specific keyword usage
  • Listen for social response to advertising messages
  • Gauge sentiment toward advertising campaigns
  • Monitor conversations from trade shows
  • Monitor unique URLs on your ads
  • Monitor unique phone numbers on your ads
  • Find sites relevant to your brand for online advertising
  • Learn the language of prospects
  • Monitor campaign or brand specific hashtags
  • Solicit user generated content and monitor results

EXPERIENCESFew Screenshots